Gok’s charity of the month – February: Women’s Aid Leicestershire

Womens Aid Leicester Hey Guys,

This month I would like to introduce you to a truly inspiring and important charity WALL (Women’s Aid Leicestershire Limited).

These guys work with women who have suffered or are suffering from domestic abuse- they give them the support, and often their children and families who need it just as much, to find a better life where they can feel safe and secure without fear of abuse.

We all know how important that just the simple feeling of being safe it vital to our well being, and these guys really know how to get women and children out of these terrible situations and build their lives up again.

Please read on and find out more about what they do and how you can help.

Thanks my lovelies and keep safe!

Love you

Auntie Gok xxxx

Valentine’s Day is traditionally a time for romance and love but for many it is yet another day in a regular cycle of domestic violence and abuse. The fear and suffering of victims, often including children, does not stop just because it is Valentine’s Day.

Without the refuge I would be dead

These are the chilling words of Anne, a survivor of domestic abuse who now runs a successful business. Anne came into our refuge with her daughters and found the space and strength to re-build her life.

A Bit About Us

Women’s Aid Leicestershire Limited (WALL) was established in Gok’s home town of Leicester in 1974 when we opened the first refuge to support women and children fleeing domestic abuse. Since then WALL has continued to provide vital assistance to all victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence and our work continues to be as important now as it was when we first began.

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone and here at WALL our aim is to continue to provide free, confidential specialist support and an advocacy service to empower victims to take control of their lives.


The Fly and The Spider’s Web – A poem by a former Refuge resident

It’s like being a fly

that flies straight into a spider’s web,

a sticky web that she finds hard to even see.

She tries to escape and struggles and fights,

and against all odds,

she wriggles free and escapes.

But she flies so fast,

so busy looking over her shoulder

that she doesn’t look at where and what direction she’s flying

and flies straight into

another invisible spider’s web.

The Facts

Statistics show that 29.4% of women & 15.8% of men in the UK aged between sixteen and fifty nine have been victims of domestic violence and women are six to seven times more likely to experience serious physical injuries as a result.

The rates of children witnessing at least one incidence of domestic violence during childhood were 12% for children under eleven years, 18.4% for young people aged between eleven and seventeen and 24.8% for eighteen to twenty four year olds.

These statistics make disturbing reading and with cuts in government budgets we do not know what the impact will be in the future

Our Work

Through a dedicated programme of education and intervention we develop the resilience, strength and skills required to break the cycle of abuse enabling survivors to start to heal and move on in safety.

Our dedicated support for children and young people exposed either directly or indirectly to domestic abuse teaches them how to express their feelings, to rationalise their experiences and to be absolved from any sense of responsibility for the behaviours of those caring for them.

Exposure to domestic abuse can result in young people, especially young men, replicating the behaviours they have witnessed and moving from a victim to a perpetrator of domestic abuse.

How you can help

Donations provide us with a vital source of income which enables us to continue to provide a lifeline to any victim of domestic abuse or sexual violence.

Victims often come to us with nothing having left their home and possessions to escape violence.

Any funds we receive will help us continue our work in our refuges and in the community and will really make a difference to the lives of victims who come to us for support when they have nowhere else to turn.

If you can help us support victims of domestic abuse then please send a cheque payable to Women’s Aid Leicestershire Limited to PO Box 7067, Leicester LE1 7WB. If you prefer you may donate by BACS to:

Sort code 56 00 55
Account number 62837117

Thank you for your support.



New Destinies – by a refuge resident

I awoke knowing today was the day I moved to a safe place.

Sickness, fear and the unknown overwhelmed me as I fought back the tears.

I packed my few belongings. “Stay strong, stay strong” I told myself over and over again.

“You can do this, you can” I said.

As I reached down for my bags and case I thought “Is this it? Is this all I have left?”

But I soon reminded myself. “Thank God I’m alive and soon will be safe”

The taxi arrived. A man whispered “Refuge” “Oh yes” I replied. “Get in” he answered.

Looking through the window, now knowing what lay ahead I began to imagine all sorts of things.

Who will be there? What will it be like? What will I be able to do? How can I survive?

Suddenly the car stopped, I got out, I reached my destination of change.

An old house, a friendly face greeted me at the door

As I slumped down my few belongings. I cried a cry of fear of the unknown, relief of the past and somewhat a cry of “Please someone help me!”

A cup of tea was handed to me, a smile. “It’s going to be OK” came from a friendly face.

I’ve arrived, I’ve finally changed my destiny.

As I tried to sleep, tears filled my pillow, knowing nothing of tomorrow. Friends phoned me out of concern. “I’m OK, I‘ll be OK” I told them. “Just keep in contact”.

Day after day, waves of emotion filled me, more downs than ups at times, but every day in my life I start with a clean page.

Yesterday’s gone, today a new day. I don’t need to worry about tomorrow.

With support and prayers from my friends, I know I can make it through.

Through the dark days, I see a ray of hope, a ray of light leading forward to my new destiny.